Submitted on Wednesday March 6th, 2013

Hospitals have changed a lot in recent years. At the bedside, there is a new doctor in charge: the "hospitalist."
Hospitalists specialize in the care of patients in the hospital. They are experts in handling serious illness. Unlike a community doctor, hospitalists are part of the hospital's staff. They can help your loved one recover faster and return home sooner because of their:
- 24-hour availability. Hospitalists can respond quickly to changes in your relative's condition.
- Knowledge of the hospital's systems and procedures.
- More frequent contact with family members during the course of the day.
- Coordination of care with other professionals.
Your relative may be disappointed to be treated by an unfamiliar doctor. Of course, the hospitalist won't know your loved one's personality or preferences. And he or she may not have access to your loved one's detailed medical records. But the hospitalist's job includes connecting with your relative's regular doctors.