Submitted on Thursday May 14th, 2015

Conflicting demands on your heart, time, and energy can make it hard to care for an aging relative. If this sounds familiar, you could benefit from the services of a care manager.
A care manager provides relief. They work with you and your family member to develop a realistic care plan. The goal of the plan is to maximize your loved one's independence, safety, and quality of life. A solid care plan addresses family resources. This includes making sure you are not called upon to do more than you are able.
A care manager is a guide and an advocate. These experts are typically trained in the health professions or social work. Many have specialties in elder care. They bring to their role an understanding of the
- local healthcare system;
- emotional and physical challenges of aging and/or disability;
- difficulties of adult children juggling work and family;
- common legal and financial issues that arise in later life;
- local housing options and other senior or disabled services