180 DAYS. Six months. That’s the number of days we wish our patients and their families could benefit from our care. Unfortunately, most patients and families who experience hospice care wish they had called sooner. In fact, nearly eight out of 10 families express this sentiment. That’s the bad news. The good news is that once patients and families do connect with hospice, they immediately feel the burdens ease physically, emotionally, and often, financially. This support and peace of mind cannot come soon enough when the realities of serious illness and limited-life expectancy are looming.
At Trellis Supportive Care, it is our mission to provide information and education so that every patient and family who can benefit from our care understands how to access our care - easily and quickly. We make every effort to do that, yet for many, until it’s time for hospice care, it isn’t given much thought.
Because the number one piece of feedback we get from families is that they wish they had enlisted our care sooner, we are eager to share this important message; hospice is not intended to be ‘11th hour care,’ but rather tremendous support and compassionate care that is available to patients and their families for months.
And there is more good news; 92% of patients have Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance that covers nearly all hospice care. More specifically, these benefits cover home visits from the hospice team, medications, medical equipment and supplies, and bereavement/grief support for the family after a loved one has passed away. Is that surprising to you?
We recognize that end of life can be a difficult scenario to talk about and plan for, however, the benefits and value of hospice care are too great not to understand. So we invite families in our community to get to know us so that they can get the compassionate care they deserve when they need it most. If, in your heart-of-hearts or in your physician’s opinion, it would surprise you if your loved one was still living in 12 months, then it’s time to call and get the support you deserve.
Trellis Supportive Care is the oldest and most established hospice in the state – serving 13 counties from four offices. As a non-profit organization, no patient is ever turned away.