There are many ways to volunteer with Trellis Supportive Care, North Carolina's original hospice and palliative care provider, from providing support to patients and their families to directing traffic at a fundraising event. We invite you to join us in serving our community through the use of your time and talents.
Become a volunteer today!
Direct Support Volunteers
Direct Support Volunteers visit with patients who reside in their homes, in assisted living facilities, in long-term care facilities, or in one of our two inpatient facilities. These volunteers provide support and companionship, sometimes reading to patients, playing board games, or simply engaging in quiet conversation. Direct Support Volunteers may also run errands or transport patients to medical appointments. Volunteers who are notaries may notarize advance directives for patients (under the supervision of hospice staff). Volunteers at our inpatient facilities may also assist by staffing the welcome desk or helping with other special projects under the supervision of a Volunteer Coordinator.
Complementary Therapy Volunteers
Volunteers that are specially trained in massage, healing touch, reflexology, and reiki provide these services to patients residing in one of our inpatient facilities, in nursing homes, or in their own homes. Requirements for level of training and/or certification may apply.
Animal Assisted Therapy Volunteers
Animal Assisted Therapy Volunteers offer the healing presence of a therapy trained animal to patients and families at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. All animals are required to be certified through one of our approved programs, and handlers are required to complete the same training as Direct Care volunteers.
Clinical Support Volunteers
Clinical Support Volunteers work with various departments across our agency to indirectly support patient care. Their tasks can include writing thank-you notes, entering data, preparing mailings, answering phones, and other general office activities. This role is perfect for those who want to find a way to make a difference in our work without directly interacting with our patients. Training requirements apply.
General Support Volunteers
Here at Trellis Supportive Care, North Carolina's original hospice and palliative care provider, volunteers assist us in numerous ways. See the list below for some other ways our volunteers help us!
- Pantry Patrons collect non-perishable food items for the food pantries that serve our less fortunate patients living at home and for the family kitchens in the Hospice Home.
- Speakers Bureau volunteers promote awareness of Hospice programs and services through speaking engagements, health fairs and various other community opportunities.
- Church & Faith Community volunteers promote awareness of Hospice programs and services through contact with area church, faith and spiritual communities.
- Camp Carousel Volunteers assist Hospice staff with an annual day camp for children and adults who have lost a loved one.
- Veteran Volunteers assist staff with special events and activities to honor veterans in our community, in addition to providing unique support to patients who have been involved with military service.
Still looking for your perfect fit? Click here for even more ideas of how to get involved.