Submitted on Thursday August 15th, 2013

Who wants to go to the ER? No one! But sometimes, distressing symptoms or illnesses arise that require prompt attention and your regular doctor is not available.
An urgent care center is appropriate when your relative’s condition is NOT severe but still calls for immediate medical care. Life-threatening symptoms include chest pain, heavy bleeding, significant breathing problems, or inability to move one side of the body. In those situations, get to the ER quickly! But less dire problems can be handled well and quickly (often within an hour or so) at an urgent care center.
Appropriate conditions for urgent care include
- aches and pains from a headache or muscle sprain;
- sinus, urinary tract, or other infection;
- skin wound or swelling, such as from a skin tear or insect bite;
- diarrhea or other digestive upset;
- fever or flu;
- broken finger or toe.