On Veterans Day we traditionally honor those who have served. Your relative may be a veteran. Or he or she may have been close to veterans who are now gone.
This year, consider paying tribute by renting the movie "Honor Flight." Watch the movie together. It's about a town that decided to honor its aging WWII vets. The town paid for them all to visit the WWII memorial in Washington, DC. It is a powerful and touching movie. It may give you insights about your loved one's past.
Perhaps it will also inspire your family member to talk about his or her history. Veterans are often quite silent about their experiences. This is especially true of those who were in combat.
But veterans' memories are precious history. And they are worthy of national commemoration! Check out the Veterans History Project with your relative. It's a part of the Library of Congress. The project collects veterans' personal stories and makes them available online so anyone can partake.