
Tuesday December 13th, 2011

Talking with children about serious illness

Children are like sponges. They soak up whatever is around them. In a household dealing with serious illness, they'll pick up on others' sadness or anxiety. If no one has explained the situation, they'll make up their own ideas about what's going on. As a result, they may feel unnecessarily scared and alone. Instead of trying to "protect" a child from potentially upsetting news, experts recommend honest talk geared to the individual child. Such talk helps the child
Thursday December 1st, 2011

Urinary tract infections

It's healthy to have bacteria in your digestive tract and on your skin. But when bacteria enter the bladder and kidneys, there can be problems. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the reason for 8 million doctor visits every year. Who is at risk? UTIs affect mainly women, but they occur in older men, too. Seniors are especially vulnerable because of
Tuesday November 22nd, 2011

Is your home safe for older guests?

If you expect older visitors this season, check your home for hazards. Older adults often have impaired balance and vision. This makes them prone to falling, especially in new surroundings. And fragile skin and bones can mean double trouble if someone does take a spill. Here are some tips. Home entry Early darkness and wet walkways can add to risk of a fall. Turn on outdoor lighting and make sure stairs have a sturdy handrail. Living/dining areas
Wednesday November 16th, 2011

Get help changing Medicare plans

If you are dissatisfied with your relative's current Medicare coverage, it's time to get into action! Changes are possible only once a year. This year, the annual open enrollment period starts and ends EARLIER than before: October 15 to December 7. Here’s a quick review of the parts of Medicare: "Original Medicare"
Monday November 7th, 2011

When should you take over Mom’s checkbook?

Money matters are often intensely private. And no one wants to infringe on a family member’s independence. Yet it is through (sometimes expensive) financial mishaps that you may learn of changes in your parent’s memory and thinking. Signs of a problem Diseases that affect memory also tend to impair arithmetic skills and reasoning. That’s why money trouble can suggest the onset of dementia. Be alert for the following changes:
Monday November 7th, 2011

Why is Dad so thin?

Source: It’s unsettling when a family member is losing weight unexpectedly. If the doctor has no medical explanation, perhaps it’s the result of one of these common situations:Access to food
veterans day
Monday November 7th, 2011

Benefits available to veterans

With Veteran's Day around the corner, we wanted to point out the range of benefits available to those who served our country in uniform. It doesn't matter how long the veteran has been out of the military. All who were honorably discharged can apply. Spouses are eligible too, even if they are divorced or the veteran has died. The Veterans Administration (VA) medical benefits package can include
Tuesday November 1st, 2011

Fall Circular 2011

Fall Circular 2011 This issue contains: Embracing HOPE, Light Up A Life Ornament Celebration, Is 35% Enough, Holiday Wish List, Living in The Moment is What Matters, and more. Click here to read.
Sunday October 23rd, 2011

Embracing Hope

Because every moment counts, embrace a new understanding of hope…Hope for comfortHope for dignityHope for peaceHope for compassionate care at home.This is the guiding philosophy of hospice care. We believe that however long a person has to live, every moment should be cherished. That’s why we promise patients and families emotional and physical care and support every step of the way.