Submitted on Wednesday November 16th, 2011

If you are dissatisfied with your relative's current Medicare coverage, it's time to get into action! Changes are possible only once a year. This year, the annual open enrollment period starts and ends EARLIER than before: October 15 to December 7.
Here’s a quick review of the parts of Medicare:
"Original Medicare"
- Part A covers inpatient time at a hospital (part of Social Security).
- Part B covers doctor visits and other outpatient care (part of Social Security).
- Part D covers medications (offered by private insurance companies).
Additional options are available through private companies
- Advantage plans (sometimes called "Part C") are Medicare-approved plans. They generally combine Parts A, B, & D into one package. They often include extra services.
- "Medigap" plans supplement Original Medicare. They pay for the 20% Medicare doesn't cover.