Submitted on Monday November 12th, 2012

Hearing loss is common among older adults. But many elders resist talking about it. Frequently, they think there are no good options for correcting the problem. In fact, there are more options than ever.
The current generation of hearing aids bears little resemblance to those of old.
- Appearance. With new technology, hearing aids today are barely visible. Even the traditional behind-the-ear style is smaller. Only a slender tube extends into the ear canal.
- Quality of improvement. According to Consumer Reports, 73% of people with hearing aids are satisfied with their purchase. Behind-the-ear, open-fit designs are ranked highest for the most difficult hearing situation: loud, social gatherings.
- Comfort and use. Many styles and types are available. Choose a provider who offers follow-up service to fine-tune fit and volume. Be sure the purchase includes a trial period and refund.