If you’ve ever been in the situation of choosing hospice care for a family member or loved one, you know that paying for the service is the last thing on your mind. Instead, you’re concentrating on keeping that person as comfortable and cared for as possible, and of course you want the very best environment for them in their time of need. The Hospice & Palliative CareCenter is proud to be able to provide end of life care for patients in a 13-county area within the Piedmont of North Carolina, as well as at facilities in Winston-Salem and Salisbury, the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home and the Glen A. Kiser Hospice House. And we offer that care to everyone, no one is denied services due to lack of insurance or inability to pay.
For many people, hospice services are covered financially by the patient’s Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance. But sometimes those plans don’t cover all the costs, or the person might not have insurance. In those cases, the cost is taken care of by the many donations our Hospice & Palliative CareCenter receives. We could not do what we do without the gracious support of people in our communities, and we are always grateful for the generosity we experience every day.
If you would like to help continue the work that is going on at the Hospice & Palliative CareCenter, ensuring that everyone receives compassionate care at the end of their life, please consider making a donation. You can give right on our own website, by filling out a simple form. Another way we are able to build our funds is through memorial giving. If you have a loved one who is under hospice care, consider setting up a memorial fund in their name so friends and relatives can give in their honor. After a death people feel compelled to do something, and giving money to a worthwhile cause is a great way to honor a person’s life and legacy.
We also hold events and fundraisers to help raise awareness about the work of Hospice & Palliative CareCenter. One we are currently looking forward to is our 20th Annual Hospice Hope Run – 5K & 10K. Please consider participating this year; your support means so much to our community.
Questions? Contact us, or call (336) 768-3972. We’re here for you 24 hours a day.