The period of mourning is a time when our thinking processes are interrupted. People who are grieving often find themselves unable to concentrate for long periods of time. They may go into a room and forget why they went there, or they feel generally disoriented and confused. These behaviors are a normal part of the process and not something that is likely to continue at the same intensity for months on end. Still, it is unsettling while it is happening.
Another change in our thinking is the tendency to idealize the deceased. Whenever we lose something, it is natural to become more acutely aware of all the positives we miss. Indeed, the good side of a person may be the essence of who they were. Still, it is good to keep a perspective if you can, as other family members may be struggling with feelings of anger, resentment, or unresolved issues. Making your loved one into a saint may not be the healthiest way for the family to come to terms with his or her passing.